You can work towards secure attachment, even as an adult.
It’s never to late to work on healing your attachment. Learn more about what insecure attachment looks like and what you can do to heal and grow.
How can sleep consulting help you
Wondering if our infant + toddler sleep consultation is right for you? Check out some of the benefits here!
How can therapy help me prepare for parenthood?
Determining when you are ready to become a parent, or add a family member into the mix, is such a big decision! Working with a therapist can be a useful tool in digging into this process.
5 things not to say to someone who had a pregnancy loss
Pregnancy loss can be a traumatic time that deserves space for grief. Here are 5 things to avoid saying to someone after a loss, as well as 5 things that will feel a lot more supportive!
5 things not to say to someone struggling with infertility
Infertility is a time full of trauma, uncertainty, and grief. Here are 5 things to avoid saying to someone going through infertility, as well as 5 things that will feel a lot more supportive!
Fertility Challenges & Mental Health
Struggling with fertility can produce some unique challenges with mental health. Let’s hold space for that and connect to practices for healing.